Make a Compassionate IMpact

Citizen Kind helps you to fulfil your true purpose and change the world for good

Fight the Good Fight

We’re looking for talented, compassionate people who are determined to do good in the world – so that we can introduce them to the amazing companies out there that are improving life for everyone on this planet.

Build Your Team

Study after study shows people work better in teams that are aligned on values and purpose. The businesses we work with are looking for new team members whose goals, attitude and personality are a natural fit for the positive impact their business is looking to generate.

Feed Your Brain

How can you best use your skills to make the world a better place?

It’s a question we’ve asked time and time again – and we’ve collected all of this learning and knowledge under our Latest tab.

As well as out ‘Working You Values’ series, which explores the ‘why’ that prompted several industry luminaries to follow their passions, you can find our podcast collaboration with KindEarth.Tech (KETcast) and dozens of blog posts exploring various areas in the vegan business world, from vegan wine to animal rights.

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