
Growth Strategy Superhero

Growing mission based companies by building key relationships and creating synergistic strategy



Ideal Projects Include…

Market Analysis for CPG products or SaaS before launching a ethical company or brand

Creating key relationships and new revenue streams for a mission driven business

Incorporating sustainability food certifications and consumer trust badges for a food company


🛒 Sales

📢 PR and Comms

☝️ Advisory

🦸‍♀️ Leadership

📊 Research and Insight


🍝 Food and Drink

🛍️ Retail

♻️ Sustainability

🧘🏼‍♀️ Beauty and Wellbeing

🥕 Ingredients

💪 Approach

My approach is listening, asking questions, assessing the challenge, forming a strategy, and being determined to succeed by helping others to see things differently.

👑 Greatest Accomplishment

Successfully presenting plant-based food to the Walmart World headquarters and selling into 2,200 stores.

🎙 About Me

I am an energetic, analytical and deeply kind person who passionately creates win-win outcomes for everyone involved.

💻 Experience

My background as an entrepreneur in organic retail, food certifications, and SaaS, has given me the expertise to provide business development consulting and growth strategy for both startups and global brands.

What I Love…

Lifelong learning, collaborating with community, reading, yoga, inspiring others to do good, spending time outside, gardening, and making great healthy vegan food.

WHat I’m Good At…

Creating strong relationships, providing compelling communication, calmly handling conflict management, leading with purpose.

What the World Needs…

Compassionate, aware, motivated people to create real change for all.

What I can Offer…

Growth strategy, market research, value chain analysis, product launches, sales, food certifications, business development.

My Ikigai Is…

My purpose is to use business as a force for good to help all beings.

What makes me unique

🦅 Eagle-Eyed Insight

Seeing the overarching landscape of a company and finding exciting new revenue streams.

⚖️ Egalitarian

Treating everyone equally, approaching people with candor, and building strong relationships.

🤝​ Relationship Builder

Making connections between people, products and organisations for a shared goal – whether hiring a team, or launching a product.

Personality – INFJ










🌯 Signature Dish

Salad and Lasagne

🏖️ Outside of work you’ll find me…

Upcycling foods in my kitchen by cooking & baking, or enjoying the outside gardening, biking & walking in the woods.

🏝 Desert Island Disc

18 Singles by U2

👀 My Best Friend would say I’m…

Loyal and kind, hardworking, altruistic.

“Lonica is proactive, energetic, positively infectious, and has a strong understanding of what a successful business looks like and what the key components are (e.g. key account satisfaction and growth.)”

“Lonica’s ability to analyse and synthesise information relating to business development is remarkable – she is a genuine expert in her field.”

Join the WaitList

We are taking on the 10 most impactful projects we can find in Q2 to put our skills to the best use possible in service to the planet and the humans and non-human animals that live on her!

Need an avenger for your team? Fill in the form and we’ll get in touch.