Pete Cervoni

Vegan Culinary Quarterback

Over 27 years exclusively of plant-based, health support culinary experience



Ideal Projects Include…

Leading a vegan culinary start-up team during its early growth phase

Rethinking, developing vegan menus and leading culinary innovation

Steering brands through trade shows from organisation to implementation


📦 Operations

🥘​​ Product Development

🧠 Advisory

🦸‍♂️​ Leadership

🥂 Events


🍲 Food and Beverages

🍱​ Hospitality

♻️ Sustainability

🏋️​ Health and Fitness

🥬​ Ingredients

💪 Approach

Aside from being deeply analytical and methodical, organised and forward-thinking, I take a holistic approach to projects where I use empathy to see how my decisions and game plans will affect everyone whom the project touches.

👑 Greatest Accomplishment

The Thanksgiving menu I put together at the fabled Angelica Kitchen back in 1999. I wanted to honor Native Americans and create a menu that reflected their cuisine. I met with an elder of a tribe in Upstate New York and we purchased corn and other ingredients from them. It was one of the first menus and events that I conceived from the ground up and did a great job of getting everyone excited and focused on teamwork.

🎙 About Me

I am an outgoing, engaging, personable and kind professional.

💻 Experience

I have 30+ years of experience in leadership and support roles in a multitude of sectors in the food industry, focused solely on health-supportive plant-based cuisine.

What I Love…

Connecting with people, nourishing others and making them laugh, being of service to fellow humans, being at the forefront of movements.

WHat I’m Good At…

Making connections with others and being present with them, collaborating, being a leader, cooking and creating recipes.

What the World Needs…

Truly health-supportive, beyond fairly traded, co-operative owned, plant based food organisations putting people over profits.

What I can Offer…

Creating new recipes, quarterbacking a culinary start-up, leading culinary and organoleptic innovation, helping new brands to navigate trade shows.

My Ikigai Is…

To genuinely connect with people and express my love by creating, conceiving, preparing and serving truly nutritious and delicious foods with integrity and compassion, that will nourish people mind, body and soul.

What makes me unique

❤️ Empathy

While we truly cannot know what another person is thinking at any given moment, I strive to be empathetic in all my actions. Utilising this trait may prolong work since it requires some patience and learning, but I strongly believe that the extra work is worth it!

🤣 Humour

I love to make people laugh and smile! I search for humour in all I do as I see it as an extension of being and staying positive, not to mention helping reduce stress and helping people get unstuck in their emotions. Work, especially culinary work, can be gruelling, tedious and thankless, so why not be joyful along the way?

😇​ Conscientiousness

One of my mantras is ‘start strong and finish stronger’! Doing the right thing isn’t always glamorous ( in fact it’s often the opposite), nor is it the most expeditious way to conduct yourself – but I am not the proverbial ‘half-stepper’!

Personality – ENFJ










🌯 Signature Dish

Black Truffle Risotto with Seasonal Vegetables

🏖️ Outside of work you’ll find me…

At the gym weight-training or watching comedies

🏝 Desert Island Disc

Aja by Steely Dan

👀 My Best Friend would say I’m…

Loyal, empathetic, kind and funny!

Join the WaitList

We are taking on the 10 most impactful projects we can find in Q2 to put our skills to the best use possible in service to the planet and the humans and non-human animals that live on her!

Need an avenger for your team? Fill in the form and we’ll get in touch.