
Social Impact Changemaker

Renegade thinking, consultancy, insight, direction, proposal stress-testing and inspirational story telling for dynamic projects connected to plant-based food, social impact, community building, equity and sustainability.



Ideal Projects Include…

Consulting on ambitious CSR Strategies with organisations committed to bringing positive change to the world.

Consulting on visionary organisations’ transitioning to fully plant-based across internal, B2B and B2C channels.

Consulting and developing inspirational storytelling for radical new projects and getting them ready to go live.



🌱​ ESG

❤️ Philanthropy

🪙 Charity

🤝​ Partnerships

🚀 Social Impact

🏘️ Social Enterprise

👍 Advisory

📢​ Marcomms


🗞️ Media

🦸‍♂️​ Leadership


👔 Corporate

🚀 Social Enterprises

🪙 Trusts, Foundations and Charities

🏘️​ Community Organisations

💪 Approach

A dedicated, passionate team player, leader and solutions based thinker that brings joy, humanity and inspiration to the work force. An adept relationship builder, empath and agile thinker working at macro and micro level. When given license, a maverick thinker unafraid to try radical new approaches in order to build the new world we all want to see. 

👑 Greatest Accomplishment

Founding, leading and growing pioneering vegan community cookery school and charity Made In Hackney, which has positively impacted the dietary choices of over 400,000 people nationally and is now working globally. I'm most proud of how the charity grew but maintained its core DNA and radical flat-line structure and caring, progressive culture.

🎙 About Me

I'm a dynamic, fun, bold, solutions-based thinker with a raft of experience – a practical visionary – with a passion for projects that are for the good of people, planet and all entities that dwell on it!

💻 Experience

Dynamic social impact consultant and adviser. Founder and director at an award winning, pioneering plant-based charity. Trend forecaster and researcher for global charities, NGO’s, civic society and brands. Print and radio broadcaster. Key note speaker, event host and talking head. 

What I Love…

Delivering keynotes, hosting panel discussions, hosting workshops and holding space for others, inspiring behaviour change, stress testing and feeding back on plans and proposals for social change.

WHat I’m Good At…

Collaborating with people and organisations on radical social impact journeys and bringing about tangible, positive change to people, planet and all that dwell on it. Inspiring people and collectives to do better and be better.

What the World Needs…

Brave thinking and an unwavering commitment to do what’s right for people and planet – especially when it’s difficult or uncomfortable. This would include a global transition to plant-centred eating, anti-racist practice embedded across institutions and policy, a universal basic income to tackle inequality, and indigenous wisdom and land keepers appointed as legal guardians of the earth.

What I can Offer…

To ask difficult questions and inspire others to do better and be better. Consulting on strategy, proposals and plans for projects with quantifiable social impact to get them ready for launch or to fundraise, or on transitions to plant-centred food policies and practices. Workshop facilitation to bring teams on journeys of change. Consulting on dynamic new corporate social responsibility strategies and plans, helping set up charitable foundations, or in developing equity, inclusion and anti-racism practice and policies.

My Ikigai Is…

Telling and sharing stories that inspire change, bring hope and give joy.

What makes me unique

🧗‍♀️ Persistence

Turning no’s into yes’s (or vice versa if that’s the desired outcome) and taking people on a journey to produce this result.

❤️ Compassion

Understanding, connecting and building sincere relationships with people of all personality types from the warehouse floor to the board room.


Can shift gears to think in both macro and micro levels. I ask the right questions – and quickly - to identify risks, opportunities and blind spots internal people may not spot.

Personality – ENFJ










🌯 Signature Dish

Rice and Peas, ackee, veg, salad, baked cinnamon plantain

🏖️ Outside of work you’ll find me…

Surfing, training, growing food, exploring vegan eateries, going on adventures with my son and husband.

🏝 Desert Island Disc

Miseducation of Lauryn Hill by Lauryn Hill

👀 My Best Friend would say I’m…

Dynamic, passionate, outspoken, loyal, creative, a good laugh

"Dynamic, emphatic, inclusive - Sarah is a born changemaker. I've had the pleasure of being part of her journey building a grassroots initiative to an entity with national and global impact - and it's been a joy. She's changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people for the better - and she can help you do the same." 

Dr Rupy,
Founder & Public Figure, Doctors Kitchen

"Sarah is hugely knowledgeable and experienced in the food related social impact space. Her constructively delivered feedback gave us a lot to think about, challenged some of our assumptions, stress tested our theory of change and extensively developed our proposal. Overall her advisory work was invaluable and we look forward to working with her again."

Jonathan Harper,
CEO Future Foundations

"Sarah's pioneering work has culture, community and inclusion at its core. A dynamic yet humble leader and change maker, Sarah's ability to make big stuff happen - whilst rallying support and taking people on a journey of transformation - is second to none. Her breadth of experience and emphatic approach makes her an excellent advisor and consultant." 

Jane Land & Matt Glover,
Co-Founders, Veganuary

"Sarah is what we all need more of in our lives. Driven, compassionate and focused and always about what is best for the most vulnerable in our communities. Her dedication to making the world a better place is inspiring and beautiful."

Andi Oliver,
TV Presenter & Author

“Sarah's impressive work in the NGO space has improved the lives of hundreds of thousands of people.  She sees the interconnectedness of the major challenges of today and works within these intersections to create maximum impact. Sarah is an inspiring social impact innovator, community builder and change maker.”

Renée Elliott,
Founder, Planet Organic

 “Sarah Bentley is a person in life you don’t forget once you have met her.  Her intellect, energy and ability to make anything happen is astounding.”

Alison Corfield,
Head of Sustainability and Social Impact @ Jamie Oliver

Join the WaitList

We are taking on the 10 most impactful projects we can find in Q2 to put our skills to the best use possible in service to the planet and the humans and non-human animals that live on her!

Need an avenger for your team? Fill in the form and we’ll get in touch.