Love horror movies?

Have I got a list for you this Halloween!

Here are my top picks for scares in 2023. Can you spot the real-life terrors from this list?

  1. The Shining - all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Nuff said.

  2. Hogwood (Netflix) - this one gave Tesco a scare.

  3. Halloween - for the music alone, this psychological twister is a classic

  4. Eating Our Way to Extinction (Amazon Prime) - not for the faint hearted.

  5. Scream - every 90’s kid will love this one. Great soundtrack too.

  6. Milked (YouTube) - a terrifying portrayal of life in New Zealand

  7. Get Out (Netflix) - will give you the shivers. Don’t read the blurb.

  8. SLAY (Waterbear Network) - what’s on your back?

  9. Lies in Our Confines (Discovery+) - a Black British Horror-Comedy about connecting to nature.

  10. Dominion (Netflix) - if you replaced every animal with a human, this would be the most horrifying horror film ever made.

Halloween is the ideal time to embrace your fears and get in touch with your own mortality, spirit and connection to human and non-human animals.

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